Thousands of companies launch every year. We propel them into their next phase of growth.

Here’s how we can help you.

Expertise & Services

Honeybees is a hands-on partner for founders and entrepreneurs. We provide the training, support and resources you need to grow your business.  If you’re just getting started or you’re ready to take the next step, we can help you succeed.


A company’s path to growth is complex, and strategic partnerships are a key method towards establishing footing in a saturated market. We identify and align with the like-minded individuals and brands who will help drive your revenue, build your audience, and expand your distribution.

The path of a business or brand is not always linear, but we’re here to make things clearer for you. Through a blend of goal-setting, team optimization, founder development strategy, and KPI development, we devise a plan of action that will guide you towards those big milestones.


Email is a powerful and highly effective marketing vehicle, when used properly. We’ll combine your marketing and sales efforts to develop a full funnel strategy with improved messaging, multiple touch points and a process that your team can run with.



Do you need a thought-partner to help solve an area you’re stuck in? Need a review of your partnerships or investor deck? Want pointers on how to investor relations, utilize your contacts via email in a more productive and streamlined way? This is your time to brainstorm, get clarity and actionable advice. If you are looking for quick help on a specific area right now, book 90 minutes now and let’s get started!


Honeybees Group courses are hands-on business programs for founders and entrepreneurs.

  • This 6 week course is designed to give entrepreneurs the knowledge and framework to develop partnerships that drive growth, marketing plans that lead to sales, and realize how small changes can make a big impact. Expand your marketing fundamentals so you can grow your business faster and smarter.

    A must for founders and small business owners. Click here to apply.

  • While everyone is jumping on the new social media trends and trying to capture audiences in trendy ways, email continues to be one of the most effective tools to communicate, nurture, grow and convert your audience. This 7 day course will teach you the fundamentals of how to grow, engage and convert your email list and how to create emails people want to engage with. As a bonus, you’ll receive KPI trackers, newsletter templates, copy and headline writing tips.

    Click here to join the waitlist.